A Daily Meditation Practice: Overcoming Excuses & Procrastination

Published On: March 15th, 2022

The route to a successful, daily meditation practice is all in your head! This is my shortest podcast yet because the biggest excuse to not meditate is TIME…Your brain knows that you value it more than any other thing and so your ego uses it to talk you out of so many things…Valid excuses to not meditate: There are none. Both procrastination and excuse making are not about your thoughts so much as the emotions that come along with them. It’s time to tweak the way you think AND feel so you can meditate anyway, baby!
Excuses are the arguments your ego gives YOU, the listener, in order to keep you stuck and not moving forward. When you explain an excuse out loud, you are repeating whatever argument your ego has put forth to convince you to NOT change and keep the status quo.
Let’s show up for the quickest meditation yet and prove that meditating at all is always better than putting it off or blowing it off!
This is week 11 of my 12 Week Series~ Making Meditation Habitual: How to Build A Daily Practice That Lasts A Lifetime!

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Meditation…What the Hell? The Psychology Behind Keeping it Up Or Giving It Up
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