“Cheri is like the Dalai Lama meets Dolly Parton!”

-Retreat Attendee

Let me help you be so much more by doing so much less…

If you listen to your true self and get what you want into your life, you’re happy… 

If you don’t, you’re not.

The idea of “Stress Management” has never made much sense to me. Why would anyone want to manage stress?? Don’t we all have enough to manage as it is?!

This may surprise you but people who report low levels of stress, also report low levels of happiness. So, basically, if you’re not stressin’, you ain’t livin’.

When you think of the most stressful times in your life, like graduating from college, buying a house, getting a new job or even preparing to start a family, it all makes sense. Yes, these times were  stressful but probably didn’t fall under the bad stress category in that, these life events helped you become you and through it all, you actually may have gotten better at stress.

So rather than managing stress or alleviating or getting rid of stress altogether, I think it’s best that we learn how to hone our stress skillset.

I teach people how to get better at stress. 

If I told you to bring me a plate of stress, you couldn’t. Why? Because most bad stress is created with our thoughts. Stressful thoughts are often centered on what we are working on now in our work or personal life, what we regret doing in the past, what we need to do in the future, or just ideas or things that we actually wish we were doing right now with our lives.

Now, imagine what it might be like to have all of these desires in a healthful, peaceful place in your life…What would your life look like if you were actually doing all of the things you need to be doing, want to be doing and wish you were doing?

Being who you aspire to be, who you were meant to be, is an unconventional way to reduce stress, I know. You may even be wondering, can a life like this even exist?

My answer? A resounding YES.

In addition to creating healthy habits that last, I teach all of my clients the very best practice that I know of to combat bad stress, regulate negative emotions about stressful situations and frankly, just helps us get better at stress all around: Meditation.

The word is out. The science is clear. Meditation is about as good for you as water. So, why aren’t most of us doing it…at all?

I mean, we occasionally have bouts of staying on track and report at least some success with our goals. Like, good days of healthy eating, going to the gym, or even working on our piano skills, but meditation often eludes us. It can seem intimidating, hard, or requiring some uncomfortable dogma. Working with me, I will cater to who you are and how you think to make a daily meditation practice enjoyable for you so you can finally enjoy the benefits that this ancient practice has to offer.

I think creating a regular meditation practice is one of the hardest new habits to create but only because we don’t understand it.

With most new behaviors, it’s not that we don’t want change badly enough or that we aren’t trying hard enough. In fact, most of us want it so badly, the repeated failed New Year’s Resolutions are making us miserable. But, again and again, change eludes us. We keep on trying to change the same old ways even if it doesn’t work…even if it hurts us in the end.

It’s not that we don’t know what would probably make our lives healthier or happier. Along with our incessant inner voice, we also have the advice of health experts, family members and even popular culture telling us what we “should” be doing to make our lives better.

Everyone wants to tell us what to change, but no one seems to tell us how to change.

“How” is my specialty.

Most of us don’t understand how motivation works or how our brains are wired to up to actually sabotage all that we try to change again and again. I can teach you how to work with your brain rather than against it by learning the tools of successful change that can finally get new, healthy habits into your life without stress, procrastination or excuses.

I believe that with respect to our innate value, we are all exactly the same. Once we accept this, we are free to be who we truly are and the pressure is off! You don’t have to be what your parents wish you were or your neighbor expects you to be…you are already perfect! Thus, confidence is easier, we are freed from the comparison trap and moving beyond self-discovery to living a happier more joyful life. With this understanding, we can learn to listen to our heart, win those private battles in our mind and begin to make the goals of our life the habits of every day living. Life then becomes a journey to become who we already are… a holy and divine creation and creator living up to our fullest potential.

Why Learning How to Meditate is the BEST Stress Buster of ALL!