Exhausted? How To Get Energized & NEVER Say You’re Tired Again…Ever!

Published On: November 8th, 2022

The flu had me miss last week! But this week, I am energized, back on and NOT tired at all! Even though I’m behind, even though my whole family (including me!) was physically sick, I am not tired and today, I am going to teach you the secret to never saying that you’re tired again ever!

In this episode we will learn:
~Why saying that you’re tired actually creates exhaustion
~The benefits of not complaining
~All is well~ A Meditation on wellness

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“Complaining about being tired, or about anything at all, makes it worse 100% of the time.” -Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

The Host for this podcast:
Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW
The Stress Therapist and Author

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Cheri Augustine Flake (Author of Honey Do to Honey DONE!)

Buy Cheri’s book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging! https://www.amazon.com/Honey-DONE-Productive-Household-Absolutely/dp/0997950919/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8

A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW:
Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media and you can always go to iLoveTherapy.com to find out about meditation retreats and yoga retreats and other offerings.

Time Stamps/Chapters:
00:00 Introduction to getting energized and never saying you’re tired again, ever!
00:32 Trailer
01:16 Intro to Season 5~Seasonal Stress therapy
02:35 How complaints work in your brain
06:01 How complaining about being tired effects other people in your life
09:16 What if you never said you were tired again? Ever?
11:20 Meditation and Yoga retreats with the stress therapist
11:35 A solid idea to become energized instead of tired
12:44 How meditation is the cure for being tired
13:05 Guidance into “All is Well” Meditation
16:08 Binaural Beats Alpha
23:25 Guidance out of meditation
25:42 Closing Remarks
27:04 Outro


Speaker A: Hey, beautiful people. Are you tired? Are you just exhausted? Then this one is for you. This is a huge favorite with my clients, how to never say you’re tired again, ever. Let’s get energized. It’s the very last episode of season four, stress Therapy 101. So relax and settle in and listen up because your stress therapy session is about to begin right now. Hey, beautiful people. It’s time for some stress Therapy, a podcast about how to meditate and get better at stress for people living in the real world. Finally, a place to park my 25 plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now, your host, me, the stress therapist, Sherry Slate. Hey, beautiful people. I hope your Halloween was amazing. The Flake family takes Halloween very seriously, so I invite you to visit my social media and see a picture of what we were for Halloween ski. So it’s a very serious business over at the lake house. In fact, my house is so scary, it’s like a haunted house. It actually scares me. At night, we have this video on the side of our house and all these skeletons like, climbing out. I mean, it’s so creepy. Anyway, I’ll be taking all those down over the break because I’m going to be taking a couple of weeks off because we’re going to start a new season. Yes, we’re going to be starting seasonal stress therapy. That’s our next season, season five, where we’re going to go through different themes to get you through the hustle and bustle. This is the busiest time of year. It’s the most stressful time of the year, and I’m going to be there for you every step of the way. But I am going to take a couple of weeks off, and certainly it will take me at least that time to get down all of the skeletons and spiders and ghosts surrounding my house. But I do want to leave you with one little tidbit, one little thing to put in your pocket while I’m gone. And it’s this, okay? One thing that I don’t do anymore, because I recognize this is the most important thing. And one thing that I make my clients do is stop saying that they’re tired. Okay? So really quick, before we talk about being tired, let’s say a little something about complaining. If you’ve been with me all season, then you have a very good understanding about how your thoughts are things, whether you think that is true or not. So if you are sitting around and thinking about things that you don’t want in your life, you may be actively creating them. I would go ahead and just use all the woo woo and say you are creating your reality with your thoughts before I lose you completely. We talked about the physiological reasons why this is true, how your brain is made up to seek out what you are thinking about. There is a science behind this. It’s not all woo woo, okay? So if you’re thinking about what you want, lovely. It all works out great. If you’re thinking about what you don’t want, this isn’t good. However, if you’re talking about things that you want, you’re giving them so much power. Speaking it out loud is powerful. You are getting it out there. You have feeling behind it. You’ve had to give it some thought in order to say it out loud. And if you are doing this with complaining, you are creating what you are complaining about. It’s the same thing, whether it’s good or bad. And so one of the things I tell my clients is, you have got to stop complaining. Now, that is difficult, right? If that is a habit. And that’s how we roll. Complaints are just, you know, they’re just coming out, they’re coming at you. It’s a normal way. However, this does become an attitude. This mood becomes an attitude, and attitudes become personality traits. And that is not a personality trait that you want. And what I say to my kids over and over and over again is that when you complain, it makes it worse 100% of the time. When you are complaining about something, it makes the situation worse 100% of the time. Okay? Now, I took them on a canoe trip, actually. Was it a canoe? Yeah, a canoe trip. Maybe it was kayaking. It was one or the other. It was sit on tops or canoes, I’m not sure. My best friend from grad school who lives in North Carolina is really into kayaking and rafting and canoeing and just being on the water. And so we went to go visit her, and it was raining, and it was like 55 degrees, and it was raining. And I don’t mean it was like drizzling. I mean it was raining, okay? And my family got all suited up in rain gear, and we decided to go anyway. And she was shocked. She was like, those kids, I mean, my kids at the time, I think they were ten and twelve, I think they were. And they did not complain once, and it was kind of miserable. But I’m talking about it now, and we have some really good memories about it. And it was actually kind of funny. And then we stopped for hot chocolate and we did all the things to make it amazing. And life is made up of experiences, and this was a really good experience in the end, because no one complained. Everyone was able to find the humor in it. We didn’t take it too seriously. Remember rule number six, don’t take yourself too seriously. And it didn’t take this downward spiral where it ruins everyone’s time. If you are complaining and someone has chosen not to, you’re ruining their time, okay? Everyone’s been around a complainer and been like, this is making it way worse. Right? So since everything you say out loud, you are affirming in your brain that you want that to be true. Because, remember, your brain thinks you’re thinking about things that you want, right? And that’s how it seeks out. You know, the pelt or the food is a caveman. It was a physiological caveman thing. It’s been around since your ancestors have been around for your brain to seek out what you want. It thinks you’re thinking about what you want. So if you’re talking about being tired, your brain is actively looking for evidence in your environment. Well, we all love to be right that that is true and creating circumstances to make it true. So even if you’re kind of tired, you’re making yourself more tired by talking about it. Now, let’s just be tired for a minute, because I used to complain about being tired. I have two little kids. I know what it’s like. I’ve been tired. Okay? But let’s talk about it for a second. When you mention to someone that you are tired, okay, it’s kind of like talking about your dream. I’m going to be really frank here, and I hope it doesn’t hurt your feelings, but no one cares if you’re tired. No one gives a hoot. No one cares. Big whoop. Who cares? Okay? You’re not even sick. You’re just tired, right? I mean, sick. There’s a lot of opportunity for empathy there, if that’s what you’re going for. But no one cares if you’re tired. It’s a moot point. It’s boring. It’s lame. It’s so nobody wants to hear that. What are they supposed to say? Too bad, whatever? I think it’s because every night you get another chance to be untired. So who cares? Big whoop. It’s sort of a conversation stopper, right? When you walk up to someone and you say, how are you doing? And they answer with either tired, busy. That’s one of my other pet peeves. Please don’t answer people with how you’re doing? With that? You’re busy. It’s strangely, I don’t understand why, really, but it seems a little condescending, and it’s so boring, you know? It’s about as boring as being tired. Hey, how you doing? Oh, I’ve been so busy. I’m just so tired, and I’m not getting enough sleep. Boring, boring. You’re about to be going to celebrations and parties, celebrating a beautiful sentiment that something holy and wonderful happened so, so, so long ago. Many people are going to be engaging in this celebration. You’re going to be dressed up and having amazing food and being around beautiful people. Please don’t answer them by saying that you’re busy, tired, or not getting enough sleep. It’s so lame. Okay, nobody wants to hear that. If they ask you how you’re doing, tell them they want to know how you are doing, because tonight when you go to bed, you have another chance to not be tired. And if you’re busy, I mean, we’re all busy. Everybody’s got a phone. I could pick it up right now and get busy. Right this very second. That’s not anything to brag about or talk about. Who cares? It’s all your own fault. So maybe I’m being a little harsh right now, but really see if you can never, ever, for the rest of your life, ever say out loud, ever, even if it’s true. I am tired. Just never say it again, or any synonym, I am exhausted. And get off sleep, whatever. Don’t talk about it, because I’m telling you, having done this personally and with numerous clients, it gets worse 100% of the time when you complain about it, okay? So imagine what your life would look like if you just simply stop saying it. That’s all I’m asking. Just as an experiment, over the next couple of weeks, when I’m gone, I want you to just completely erase this out of your vocabulary and see what happens. Because I will tell you this. Something’s going to happen, and you’re going to feel so much better because you’re allowing your body to be energized. You’re allowing your body to be rested because you have not decided that that’s who you are. And I’m making quote marks, okay? That’s not who you are. That’s a moment that you had, an emotion, that you felt a feeling sensation inside of your body. That’s not who you are, okay? And if you want it, if it’s chronic and it goes on all the time and you feel like you’re always tired and always tired and always tired, stop saying you’re tired. Maybe you will figure out if there’s a physiological reason that you’re tired. If there’s some psychic energy that’s being exhausted there, you will be able to figure it out if there’s a problem to solve. And more likely, I’m telling you, more likely, the problem is solved simply by stopping yourself from saying it out loud. Do it and let me know how it goes, okay? I’m going to be gone for a couple of weeks. We’re going to come back with seasonal stress therapy. It’s going to be excellent. So take care of yourself. Go back and look at old podcasts. Meditate with me on YouTube. Go check me out on Instagram. You can always go to Ilovethrapy.com, because my very favorite thing would be to have you at my retreat in January. I have one that’s at the beach at the beginning of the month, and I have one that’s in the mountains at the end of the month. And I can’t wait to meditate with you. I love you. I feel so energized. Oh, there’s an idea coming from someone who’s very energetic. I mean, I have more energy than most five year olds that I know, so maybe I know what I’m talking about. Maybe I’m a good person to take this advice from. Or maybe you think that I’m secretly always like this and I was born like this, and there’s nothing you can do about it because you’re stuck, tired. I don’t buy that. Everybody can change and if they couldn’t then I wouldn’t have a job. So here’s a way to think about it. The next time that you tell yourself that you’re tired maybe you switch that word with energized. I’m just saying what if it works? If what you think and speak about you bring about then let’s be really conscious of what that is going to be. And maybe just grapple with noticing the times when you complained and it got worse cause it always does. Or when you didn’t complain and it got better. I’m just saying or you were able to laugh about it or you didn’t take yourself as seriously or it was open to a new experience. It was open to a new energy and vibration because you didn’t label it as something that was negative and stuck and get stuck there. Know that meditators have a decreased need for sleep. Meditators have more energy, meditators have better attention skills and meditators in general are happy and probably have a lot less complaints. I haven’t seen any studies about complaints in particular but if you’re happy you’re probably not complaining. So let’s meditate together now.

Speaker B: Thank you. Take a moment to find a comfortable sitting position. Allow your body to settle, your head and neck to settle and your shoulders. And in sitting up just take a moment to come inward finding your breath, noticing where your attention lies. In order to observe your breath. Maybe near your nostrils, your mouth, your throat, maybe your heart center, maybe in your belly. Just find a place to observe your breath as if you’re someone else watching yourself breathe. And with each outbreath begin to silently say to yourself all is well. All is well. All is well. Keeping your attention on the mantra all is well. And when you begin to think about something else just keep coming back. All is well. It’s okay if you begin to think about tomorrow or later, yesterday or before, when you were little. Just keep coming back. All is well. I’ll keep an eye on the time and I’ll be back to guide you out. Thank you. Thank you. Allow the beautiful words all as well to float away from your awareness knowing that it’s true. All is well. All is well. Take a moment to come back into this time, into this moment, into this place, into this body. Take a long slow, deep breath in your nose and release it all out of your mouth and one last deep, deep breath in your nose letting it all go. When you’re ready, knowing that you’ve changed, knowing that you have all is well in your pocket.

Speaker A: You can open your beautiful eyes.

Speaker B: Thank you.

Speaker A: Okay, it’s starting now you’re never ever, ever, ever, ever going to say that you’re tired again. Starting right now. I think you’re going to be really pleased with these results and just not complaining in general on how that feels. I think you’re going to notice a direct mood lifting mechanism here going on just by releasing this practice of saying that you’re tired. I am going to miss you. I’m going to take a couple weeks off here and I’ll be back with our season five where we will totally conquer and enjoy and take advantage of the joy that’s available during this time of year rather than try to just get through it right? Life is made up of experiences, so let’s have some cool experiences when we come back for you to embrace this beautiful time of year. I love you to pieces. I can’t wait to be near you again. Take care. Meditate with me. Listen to the other podcasts. Please spread the word. I’m so happy to spread meditation anywhere and everywhere that I can and reach out to me and let me know what you think. I am sending you so much love and light and peace and healing and I’ll see you soon. Have a lovely day. I love you. How y’all feelin after that stress therapy session? Good? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, the Stress Therapist, on social media at the Stress Therapist on Instagram and at Stress Therapy on Twitter. You can always go to I Love Therapy.com to find out about meditation and yoga retreats and other offerings that I have there. If you live in Georgia and you’re ready to be one of my clients, go to my website to find out how you sign up for a free face to face consultation with me. At the very least, jump on my mailer so you don’t stress or miss one thing. Until next time, have a lovely, lovely day.

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