Meditation & Visualization: The Science Behind ”You'll See It When You Believe It!”

Published On: February 22nd, 2022

Thoughts seem to be branded the bad guy in meditation but we can learn how to use thoughts to our advantage when we are creating any new habit, including a daily meditation practice. Thinking about how you think about meditation is definitely going to effect your meditation practice. But also, examining how you think and talk to yourself is relevant as well. Just noticing what’s going on in your head and tweaking these thoughts is the key to making any new change stick, including a daily meditation practice.
There are three specific and scientific reasons why you must not only be kind to yourself but also get a handle on what you are thinking all day long! I will share them with you today and hopefully get you feeling good about meditation or any other new healthy habit that you’re wanting in your life.
This is week 8 of my 12-week series ~ Making Meditation Habitual: how to build a daily practice that lasts a lifetime!

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Loving Meditation: How to Make Meditating Easier
Meditation: Practical Ways to Make It A Habit that Lasts A Lifetime!