A Loving Kindness Christmas Meditation

Published On: December 20th, 2022

They say Christmas is love so today we do a little work on filling up with love and spreading it all about. Metta meditation is loving kindness meditation and our meditation today is this practice of giving love and the bonus is, we get what we give.

In this episode we will learn:
~What Metta Meditation is and how to practice
~Loving Kindness meditation for Christmas

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Quotes: “We get what we give and today, it’s going to be love. What’s better than that?” -Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

Interesting Mentions: Listen to Cheri’s song, Christmas Makes Me Hot! Here: https://open.spotify.com/track/243XihhravQygY1QrN6scT?si=01685aa4cd654602
Christmas Makes Me Hot by 13 Stories
Love in a Christmas chat room ~ we met online
He told me that he had a beard and was a small guy ~ did I mind?
I told him I’m pretty short myself He mentioned he worked at the mall…and was a Christmas elf
I never thought it’d happen, we fell in love so madly
I’ve been loving tights and striped hats on my boyfriend called Todd Bradley
I wait every day in line by Santa’s sleigh to get a chance to say
I want that elf on Christmas day!
Oh, I got to see my elf
Oh, I got a kiss my elf
A little something for myself every Christmas
Now, Christmas makes me hot!
We’re the cutest Christmas couple you’ve ever seen
He loves to trim my tree and everything we do is red and green
He likes to sip coco and ice skate
He makes me toys by hand (some dirty) My sexy elf is great
I’ve been so naughty with him, but I love the perks
It’s costing stocking stuffers, not making the list, the whole works
Throw another log on my elf song
How can it be wrong when he gets off early and brings eggnog?!
Oh, I got to see my elf
Oh, I got a kiss my elf
A little something for myself every Christmas
Now, Christmas makes me hot! Fa la la la la…
He’s got to go back up north after the 1st
I’m gonna miss his pointy shoes and high voice it’s a Christmas curse
I kiss his little shoulders they’re sweet
Tiny fuzzy sweaters…I’ll miss my Christmas treat
Oh Santa don’t make him go back to The Pole
I’ll be here ’til next year sending candy letters praying for snow
I’ll tie a mistletoe around my evergreen so in my heart I know
He’ll be back next year to love me so!
Oh, I got to see my elf
Oh, I got a kiss my elf
A little something for myself every Christmas
Now, Christmas makes me hot!

The Host for this podcast: Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW The Stress Therapist and Author
Twitter: @stresstherapy Instagram: @thestresstherapist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheriaugustineflake Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheri-augustine-flake-719b044 Website: https://thestresstherapist.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thestresstherapist
Stay in touch with Cheri: https://thestresstherapist.com/contact/
Join Cheri Flake on her next retreat! https://thestresstherapist.com/retreats/ https://thestresstherapist.com/beach-retreats/
Want Cheri Flake to be your therapist? If you live in Georgia go here: https://thestresstherapist.com/contact/ to schedule a free 15 minute consultation
Follow Cheri Flake on GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15903117.Cheri_Augustine_Flake
Buy Cheri’s book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging! https://www.amazon.com/Honey-DONE-Productive-Household-Absolutely/dp/0997950919/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8
A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW: Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media or go to www.iLoveTherapy.com to find out about meditation retreats & yoga retreats.

Speaker A: Hey, beautiful people. It’s Christmas time. Love is in the air. And like I tell my kids, if you want a little bit of Santa Claus, then you got to be a little bit of Santa Claus sometimes. So we’re going to do that today. We’re going to fill ourselves to the top with love. We’re going to send it out so we can surround ourselves with more of it and become more love and feel all of this juicy love that’s in the air right now during this very, very holy time. It’s season five, seasonal stress therapy. So relax and settle in and listen up, because your stress therapy session is about to begin right now. Hey, beautiful people. It’s time for some stress therapy, a podcast about how to meditate and get better at stress for people living in the real world. Finally, a place to park my 25 plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now, your host, me, the stress therapist, Sherry Flake. Hey, beautiful people. So today we’re going to fill ourselves up with love. What’s better than that, right? You know, we get what we give, so that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to fill ourselves up so we have something to give, and it’s going to be love. Today we’re going to be doing a meta meditation. Meta means loving kindness in the language, Polly. And so we’re going to learn how to fill ourselves up with it and then send it out during this beautiful, holy Christmas time. After the meditation, I’m going to play you with a song called Christmas Makes Me Hot. It’s a song that I wrote about falling in love with an elf when I was in the band. 13 stories. You can always find 13 stories on itunes or Pandora or Spotify or all of those lovely places. This is on our Christmas record. Joy christmas makes me hot. But first, let’s meditate together right now.

Speaker B: Take a moment to find a lovely space, a comfortable place, a relaxing environment where you’re sitting up an alert, but settled in and calm. All you have to do is listen. All you have to do is listen and just give it a shot. The wonderful thing about meta meditation, loving kindness. Meditation, my tree, is that it always feels good. It always feels good. And that is the name of the game. So once you’re settled in and feeling comfy and cozy, let’s take a deep breath in your nose, then release it out of your mouth. And again, breathe in your nose and out of your mouth. And one last time, breathing in your nose and out of your mouth.

Speaker C: And.

Speaker B: Allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm. Allow your breath to go wherever your brain decides your breath needs to be. And you just notice it. You don’t have to change it. It’s just right noticing your breath in your mind’s eye. I want you to bring to mind a creature, a being, a loved one, a person that you love, that’s easy to love. I mean, close to 100% of the time when this lovely being comes to your mind, you’re filled with love. See them in your mind’s eye. Allow yourself to feel what it feels like to be near them. Breathe in the essence of them that brings you this happy, happy, loving emotion and send them lovingkindness. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. May you be healthy, may you be happy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. Now, allow someone to come to mind that you might not know very well at all. Perhaps you see them in a place that you frequent. It’s a neighbor that you’ve only seen and just waved at. You may not know their name, but they just come into your life at times. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. Now, allow someone to come to mind that you do know. Perhaps you have a small or big grievance with them, disagreement. Maybe your feelings towards them just aren’t that good. For whatever reason, bring this person to mind. This person, like you, is connected to all other things. There’s so much good available in this person. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. Now, in your mind’s eye, think of someone in your life that really needs some love right now. Maybe healing, maybe this person just needs a little love and concern and intention their way. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. Now, in your mind’s eye, I want you to think of someone who has passed on a being, a person, a creature that was in your life and now has transitioned. Maybe you missed them, maybe thinking of them, there are a lot of emotions and maybe from wherever they are, you can still send them love. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live this new life with ease, at peace. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. Now, perhaps you can bring your entire neighborhood to mind. Every human, every dog and cat and pet, every squirrel, every fish, every little creature in human that lives in your neighborhood. May you all be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. And now imagine a giant picture of a whole beautiful round green and blue and white earth suspended in blackness and space. And as you breathe in and fill up with love, send it to the whole earth. May you be happy, may you be healthy. May you live your life with ease, at peace. And now bring all this love that you have created, all of this beautiful meta and shine it inward to your own beautiful self. May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live my life with ease, at peace. And now take a moment to just luxuriate in all this love that you have created. Feel what it feels like to send and receive love. You are alive on this beautiful earth and love is here for you, with you all around you. Enjoy. Take a deep, deep breath in your nose now and release out of your mouth. And another deep breath in your nose and out of your mouth. One last time in your nose. Release out of your mouth. Taking a moment just to spend some last beautiful loving moments with your own beautiful self. And when you’re ready, you can open your lovely eyes. I hope you are filled to the top with loving kindness.

Speaker A: And just know that anytime you’re feeling a little bit down, this is the way out. I am wishing you a magical, merry, merry Christmas. And here is a little bitty that I wrote many years ago christmas makes me hot have a lovely, lovely Christmas.

Christmas Makes Me Hot by 13 Stories

Speaker A: How are you all feeling after that stress therapy session?

Speaker C: Good.

Speaker A: Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, the Stress therapist on social media at the Stress Therapist on Instagram and at Stresstherapy on Twitter. You can always go to Ilovetherapy.com to find out about meditation and yoga retreats and other offerings that I have there. If you live in Georgia and you’re ready to be one of my clients, go to my website to find out how you can sign up for a free based to face consultation with me. At the very least, jump on my mailers so you don’t stress or miss one thing. Until next time, have a lovely, lovely day.

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