Day Off to A Rough Start? How to Turn It Around By Lunchtime!

Published On: May 16th, 2023

Rough start to your day? Here’s how to instantly turn it around by lunchtime! So often we write off a whole day as a “bad day” only because of a bad morning, or even a bad moment! Today, you’ll find out why this is bad idea 😉 and get practical advise on how to turn it right back around and get your groove and mood back.

In this episode we will:
~Learn how to turn around a bad day
~Learn multiple nervous systems resets to get back on track
~Yoga Nidra Nervous System Body Scan Reset Meditation

The Host for this podcast: Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW The Stress Therapist and Author
Join Cheri Flake on her Next Meditation And Yoga Retreat! In the mountains or At the beach

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“Take a deep breath…and relax your shoulders.” -Cindy Dollar, Iyengar Yoga Instructor

“Every single moment is an opportunity to change.” -Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

Interesting Mentions:
Cindy Dollar Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor (Cheri’s retreat yoga teacher!)
Little Earthquakes LP by Tori Amos
Heartwood Retreat Center : location for Cheri’s Georgia Mountain Retreats
Christina Law : Yoga teacher and Thai Massage Therapist

The Spirit Sherpa Podcast with Kelle Sparta

Stay in touch with Cheri and be a part of the Stress Therapy Community!
Twitter: @stresstherapy
Instagram: @thestresstherapist

Join Cheri Flake on her next retreat!

Register for a meditation and yoga retreat in the gorgeous Georgia Mountains and walk away with a new, solid daily meditation practice with benefits that last a lifetime!
Register for sweet, peaceful meditation and yoga beach retreat on Jekyll Island seaside right off the coast of Georgia.

Want Cheri Flake to be your therapist? If you live in Georgia go here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation

Follow Cheri Flake on GoodReads Buy Cheri’s book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging!

A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW: Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media or go to to find out about meditation classes & meditation and yoga retreats.



[00:00] Hey, beautiful people. Is your day off to a rough start? Are you spending time putting fires out rather than actually getting to the big things on your to do list? Or maybe you’re just in a bad mood or feeling unmotivated. Let’s turn it around. By dinner time, it’s season six of stress therapy tips and tricks that this psychotherapist wants you to know. So relax and settle in and listen up, because your stress therapy session is about to begin right now. Mouth. Hey, beautiful people. It’s time for some stress therapy, a podcast about how to meditate and get better at stress for people living in the real world. Finally, a place to park my 25 plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now, your host, me, the stress therapist, Sherry Flake. Okay, before we get into the thick of it, we’re going to take a teensy tiny break. Be right back. Hey, beautiful people. Okay, so sometimes our day is just off to a rough start. Like, we just can’t seem to get it together. You know what I mean? Like, we had a plan. It was supposed to go one way and something comes up or we get distracted or something goes down and it’s just not looking the way that we wanted the day to look. The first point of interest for you, the first thing that you need to absolutely do is notice it, right? That’s number one. You got to notice this is not going how I thought it was going to go. That’s a b. You can’t label it as, like, a waste or this whole day sucked. If once you start labeling it, your brain really thinks that you’re thinking about what you want, and it loves nothing more than to be right. So it will start creating things faster than you know it and pointing out things in your environment to validate that thought. So if you’re thinking today sucks, I mean, it’s just going to keep on sucking. Okay? So you got to figure out a way to feel kind of good about it. And one of the ways that you can do that is by actually doing something that you need to do but you also enjoy, right? So remember when we talked about feeling motivated and things like that? It was really important. The most important thing when you want to do something is to feel good about it, right? And so sometimes you have to kind of trick yourself into thinking that it’s fun. Well, in this case, you can actually do something that’s fun. Now, you might be thinking, I’m having an unproductive day. Why would I do something that’s leisurely or that I enjoy? Well, I’ll tell you why. Because it’s going to turn everything around if you spend time on something that you actually enjoy, but you also need to complete it’s on your to do list. Somewhere you’re going to start feeling good about it and it will turn your day around. If you’re thinking about the whole day being a waste, you’re going to create more of that. You don’t want that. But if you actually need shoes for a party on Friday, or you actually need to pick out a book for your vacation next week, or you need to catch up with a friend that you haven’t talked to in six months, or sew a hole in one of your pants if you enjoy doing that, that’s the thing that you want to do. Even if it’s completely unrelated to work, even if it’s completely unrelated to what you’re supposed to be doing. Because what it will do is it will give you a little bit of motivation. Remember, motivation comes after action. And if you feel good about it, it goes even better. So at my house, what we say is it’s a Charlie Brown moment, okay? Yeah, you can’t kick the ball. You think you’re gonna you keep trying. You keep trying. And there’s Lucy.

[03:47] She’s just pulling the ball away every.

[03:49] Single time, even when you think for sure he’s definitely going to kick the ball this time, there it is. She pulls it right away. So it’s not a Charlie Brown day. It’s not a Charlie Brown week. It’s a Charlie Brown moment, which means every single moment is an opportunity to turn it around. Okay? And then you get to actually do something you have to do that. You’re supposed to do that’s on a to do list out there, but you’re feeling good about it. Right now. I could go on and on and on about productivity procrastination. Those are some of my favorite subjects. I have tons of podcasts on those and maybe I’ll do a whole season on it. But that’s not what this is about. This is about turning it around quickly. So yes, you want to lessen your distractions. You want to have a plan in place. You want to have a good calendar. You want to have your to do list in place. You want to have all of these beautiful systems all together and looking great so you can get your act together and make sure that you’re productive and happy each day. However, when it’s not going like that, you need to do one thing successfully. And if you pick one thing that you enjoy, you’re going to feel better by the end of the day. Think of the antithesis of that. Like, you’re having a bad day. It’s going off the wayside. And what we tend to do is just be like, well, it was a waste of a day, so I’m just going to sit here and read the paper or look at Wordle or look at Instagram or whatever and space out and not do anything. And all I’m saying is maybe you could do one thing and maybe you.

[05:16] Could feel good about it.

[05:17] Okay? So here’s a little bit of motivation. I heard this story the other day. That the reason why people say, oh, this dog is 49 in dog years or whatever. Like, how they have seven years to our one year is because they actually have one week to our one day. So if they have a bad day, that’s like them having a bad week. I mean, that’s crazy, right? So after I heard this, I was, like, totally motivated to make my dog’s day better, right? I’m like, even if I just make the second half of the day, we go on an amazing walk and I take her on the longer walk, or I let her bring her tennis ball, or we actually run around. A little bit in the front yard, or if I let her go play with her little friend down the street or whatever it is, even if we do it at the end of the day, it’s kind of like at the end of the week and she has a good three days instead of a bad entire week, right? Like, you can’t let the whole day go by without doing something good for your dog because that’s a whole week. You know what I’m saying? It’s a lot of pressure, man. So it changed things with my dog. I was like, even though it’s the end of the day, it’s really only like day three or four of the week, and I can really make it turn around for her, even though she’s been alone for a lot of the day, or even though she was stressed out when the Amazon guy came or whatever it is. Right? You can always turn it around for your dog because it feels like the whole day is a whole week. Well, why don’t you think of yourself much, like I’ve said in the past, that maybe the thing that you need to tell yourself is what you would say to your dog. Like, you are good, and you are wonderful, and I love you. Maybe you need to, again, think of yourself a little bit like a dog. Why does the whole day have to be shot if your morning was a drag? Or why does your whole day need to be shot if you just got a snarky email from your boss? Like, how can you turn it around and not let the whole day be gone? Because every single one of these days is a gift, man. None of us get out of here alive.

[07:06] None of us do.

[07:07] And so it’s your job to make every moment count. And that doesn’t mean always being as productive as you can be. It means just seizing the day in the moment. Maybe it means staring into a tree or flower for a while. Yesterday, I was all by myself. It was absolutely luxurious. I was in my hot tub all by myself. We just got a hot tub. It’s amazing. If you’re contemplating getting one. Absolutely, yes. And I put a little floating chair in there. And Then I leaned my head all the way back and I could see trees way, way up in the sky and I could see like little creatures climbing around the Branches. And that’s all I did. I listened to a Toriamus Little earthquakes. Best record ever. And I just watched the sky. I watched this little habitat in this little tree up against the beautiful blue sky just for a few Minutes, and It turned everything around. And It doesn’t have to be in a hot Tub, and It doesn’t have to be A blue sky, and It doesn’t have to be a Tree, and It doesn’t have to be A Habitat. It can be.

[08:09] In the wise words of Cindy Dollar.

[08:11] The most amazing yoga teacher I know it can be. Take a deep Breath and relax your shoulders. So we’re going to do a reset Meditation right now, but I want your brain to know that it doesn’t take all Day to turn things around. You don’t have to fall Asleep and wake up Again and start a New day in Order for this Day to be better. It can be better right now.

[08:52] Okay, it’s time for a total nervous system reset. So find a comfortable sitting Position, allowing Your Head To Settle and Your neck to settle, your limbs and belly spine to settle in, just making any adjustments so You Can be as comfortable as possible. We’ll just take one breath to help us settle. Empty your lungs and then take a long, slow, deep breath in your nose and let it all go out of your mouth. And just sort of notice how your body adjusts as you exhale. And for a Moment, Just Stay With your breath, just Watch It coming in the top portion of your nostrils and Then it leaves the Lower Portion of your Nostrils on its Way Out. Breathing in. Cool. Breathing out. Warm. Keep your Awareness in your Nose as you Breathe in and out of your Nose. And Now Bring All of your Attention to the very top of your head and with laser Focus at the top of your head, as if someone was going to hold your head up by a string without moving about or touching anything or adjusting Anything. Just bring laser Focus to the very top of your head. Just feel what it feels like for the very top of your head to exist in space. Does it feel like for the top of your head to take up space? Bringing your awareness around and around to your front of your brow and the back of your head, smoothing out your forehead, covering your eyes and all the muscles around your eyes swirling to the side of your head and then the back and then the other side, coming around to the front. The bridge of your nose to the side and back again, slowly swirling around, coming down around your ears, your cheekbones, all the muscles in your face, even the muscles around your ears, the back of your head, moving around and around, the muscles in your jaw. Allow your tongue to relax, your chin coming around and around the back of your head, the base of your skull going around and around your neck, around and around to your lower neck. Sit for a moment, feeling what it feels like for your entire head and neck to exist in space, to take up space. Feel the space around your head and neck now continuing down around your shoulders, tops of your shoulders and coming down, your right arm circling down around your bicep, tricep, deltoid, coming down your arm, all the way down to your elbow and around and around your forearm, slowly making your way to your right wrist. Bring your attention to the palm of your right hand. Without moving your right hand, just feel what it feels like for your right hand to exist in space. Bring your attention to the back of your right hand and feel space. Press up against the back of your right hand, imagine all of your right fingers in space, and then for a moment, just feel what it feels like for your right arm to exist in space as opposed to your left arm. How do they feel different? Move your attention to your left shoulder coming down around and around your left. Deltoid, tricep, bicep. Coming down around and around, circling down to your left elbow, to your left forearm. Circling around down to your wrist. And again, spend a little time. The palm of your left hand feeling what it feels like to exist in space. The back of your left hand and all of your fingers. Now come to your chest, your upper chest swirling around your shoulders to your upper back and back around. Coming down, down your back and chest to your heart center, slowly working your awareness downward to your middle back to your solar plexus, your spine going downwards down to your lower back and belly and all of your guts. And organs and coming down around.

[16:16] To.

[16:17] The bottom of your spine to your bottom and sacrum around the front of your thighs the back of your thighs. And then just coming to the right thigh, circling down towards your knee. The back of your thigh down to your right knee, coming down around your shin and your right calf circling. All the way down to your ankle and around and around to the top and back of your foot. Finally coming to all of your right toes and just sit for a moment feeling what it feels like for your right leg and foot to exist in space and how it may or may not feel different than your left leg and foot existing in space. Now come to your left thigh and begin to circle around to the back of your thigh, coming down, down towards your knee, bringing your awareness to your left knee and passing down to your left shin and calf and coming down, circling around to your left ankle and the top of your left foot and the bottom of your left foot and all of the toes on your left foot. And just sit with the awareness of what it’s like for your left leg and foot to exist in space. And maybe you want to sort of do a body inventory. Are there any parts of your body that feel like they need attention? You can bring all of your awareness to that stubborn spot. Maybe it’s in your shoulder or leg or arm foot breathing in with attention and focus and then just breathe out relaxation and let go again. If you find a part of your body that’s not letting go, breathe in with attention and focus, then breathe out letting go, then just come back to your breath. Where is it? In your nose? Your throat? Your heart? Center your belly. Settle in one space where you can just watch your breath for a moment, watching, watching breath comes and breath goes. Sit in this space for a moment, knowing that you’re safe and sound.

[20:07] Knowing.

[20:07] That this is all you’re supposed to be doing right now, in this moment, with awareness on breath, empty your lungs and take a long, slow deep breath in your nose. Let it all go out of your mouth and remember where you are, what room you’re in, maybe what time of day it is. Just remembering where you are physically and take another long, slow, deep breath in your nose cleansing awakening and then let it all go out of your mouth before we take our last deep cleansing eye opening and awakening breath after our nervous system reset, just for a moment, in gratitude that you have this beautiful body, that you have this human experience, that you’re walking on this Earth and all that had to go down in order for you. To be on this beautiful planet and empty your lungs and take one last, long, slow, deep breath in your nose awakening knowing that you’re a little bit different now. And then let it all go out of your mouth. And when you’re ready, you can open your beautiful eyes. I so hope that was a nice.

[22:02] Little reset for you and now you can face this day and make it better. And every single moment that you have is an opportunity to change it up, to turn around, to kick the ball right? And if you really want to jump start your practice, if you want to jump start your life, if you just want a brand new clean slate and start fresh, please come on retreat with me. I have a mountain retreat that’s going to be this June. And in October, they’re both long weekends in the lovely Georgia mountains in Blue Ridge, Georgia, at the Hartwood Retreat Center, where all we do is meditate. Do. Amazing. Yoga with the beautiful Cindy Dollar from Asheville, North Carolina and eat amazing farm to table vegetarian cuisine with Christina Law, who also offers Thai massages. While we’re there. I mean, it is amazing up there. The views are breathtaking, there are outdoor saunas and hot tubs and beautiful nature spots and spaces. And it’s just a great opportunity to walk away with a meditation practice that is solid habitual, knowing just what to do. And it really is a life changer. And then I also have one that’s a little bit more laid back at the beach. It’s in August, it’s in the beautiful Jekyll Island, which is right off the coast of Georgia, and me and my assistant Shannon have gone to all this trouble to find the most beautiful and secret spots to meditate and do yoga. Again, Cindy Dollar is going to be with us and it is super cool. So you’re kind of just on your own little vacation solo or with friends or with family. You can even bring your dog. And occasionally you just come to a designated spot, do a little yoga, do a little meditation, and then go back on your own. So it’s super cool and super fun. I got a great deal right on the beach, seaside with amazing sunrises, and at night we’ll have some cool bonfires and music and it’s just a lovely, lovely little retro spot right on the beach. It’s amazing. I love going on that retreat. So certainly join me, go to and click on Retreats and put down a deposit and save your spot because they’re going to fill up and I can’t wait to be with you. Have a lovely, lovely day. Before I go, I want to tell you about another ethereal network of shows podcast that I think you’re going to love.

[24:34] Welcome to Spirit Sherpa, the show that helps and encourages you on your journey to unlock your magic mojo. I’m the spirit doctor, Kelly Sparta, and I’m here to walk you through the next stage of your spiritual awakening. If you are new, start at the beginning and you’ll learn the basics from crystals and tarot cards to how to evolve and grow as a person. If you’re further along in your journey, then start in the middle and learn more esoteric concepts as well as mythology, chakras and how to become a light worker. Oh, and I’m going to add in a ritual or two, as well as some sound healings that are going to knock your socks off. And I’ve got some great guests that you’re just going to love. I’m here to stitch together every class you’ve ever taken into one big worldview. Join us as we explore the extent of the energy world and the depths of ourselves, all while having a great time. You can find or Spirit Sherpa on your favorite podcast player question.

[25:35] How y’all feeling after that stress therapy session? Good. Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me the Stress therapist on social media, at the Stresstherapist on Instagram, and at Stresstherapy on Twitter. You can always go to to find out about meditation and yoga retreats and other offerings that I have there. If you live in Georgia and you’re ready to be one of my clients, go to my website to find out how you can sign up for a free face to face consultation with me. At the very least, jump on my mailers so you don’t stress or miss one thing. Until next time, have a lovely, lovely day.

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