Meditation And Concentration: The Cure for Attention Problems

Published On: April 19th, 2022

Sadly, many people who need meditation in their lives in order to help with inattention and concentration problems, will never find their way to the practice because they find meditation, the actual cure for these problems, so very difficult. It seems like a Catch – 22, but I can show you why it’s not.

Help! I need to be able to concentrate, clear my head, stay focused (insert other attention complaints here!) in order to meditate! Not true. In fact, meditation is honing the skill of concentration and this means even the most scatterbrained of all of us can learn how to concentrate and focus better and the best news is, the more you practice, the better you get! Your brain actually changes when you meditate. It strengthens the part of your brain that is responsible for attention and other analytical parts of your brain. So, here are some baby steps if you’re new to the practice and some refreshers if you’ve been around for a while. It’s all so good for your brain!

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