Meditation & Perfectionism: How Stillness Can Help With The Perfect Problem

Published On: May 17th, 2022

Perfectionism is impossible to live up to because we keep changing the rules no matter how well we do or try. Perfectionism leads to chronic disappointment and a loud inner critic. The anxiety around perfectionism is real but meditation can help!

The perfect problem can also leave you frozen and contributing to the procrastination problem (we will cover that next week!)

One thing to remember is that you are already perfect just the way you were made so maybe the focus needs to be on becoming who you already are…little by little…just a little bit better than you used to be. And after a while, you’re a LOT better.

This is episode 7 of my 12 week season: Let’s Meditate Anyway! Motivational Insights By A Seasoned Therapist Who Meditates!

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