Strengthen Your Intuition Meditation: Let it Go & Let it Flow

Published On: April 11th, 2023

We touched a little on letting go last week and how not trying so hard can actually pump up your confidence a bit. Today, we allow our secret powers that don’t require any volition to work for us with a special intuitive strengthening meditation.

In this episode we will meditate together!
~Meditate with me!
~Third eye, intuitive strengthening meditation

Join Cheri Flake on her next retreat!

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“Counterintuitive as it seems, letting go totally can be the most powerful thing you do.”
-Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

When we don’t try so hard on the outside, our intrinsic knowing and intuitive muscles get a shot at guiding us and going with the flow can be just the thing you need to really get things moving.”
-Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

Interesting mentions:
World Awakenings: The Fast Track to Enlightenment with Karl Gruber

The Host for this podcast: Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW The Stress Therapist and Author
Twitter: @stresstherapy
Instagram: @thestresstherapist

Stay in touch with Cheri:

Join Cheri Flake on her next retreat!

Want Cheri Flake to be your therapist? If you live in Georgia go here: to schedule a free 15 minute consultation

Follow Cheri Flake on GoodReads:

Buy Cheri’s book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging!

A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW: Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media or go to to find out about meditation retreats & yoga retreats.



[00:00] Hey, beautiful people.

[00:01] Sometimes we’re trying so hard to figure it all out. We’re coming to some sort of conflict resolution or decision making, and all the fatigue from that and just our beta waves are overloaded in our prefrontal cortex.

[00:13] Maybe we could just let all that go and rely a little bit on our intuitive knowing.

[00:21] Today, we’re going to strengthen our intuition.

[00:24] With a special meditation. So relax, settle in, and listen up.

[00:28] Because your stress therapy meditation is about.

[00:31] To begin right now.

[00:46] Hey, beautiful people. It’s time for some stress therapy, a podcast about how to meditate and get better at stress for people living in the real world. Finally, a place to park my 25 plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now, your host, me, the stress therapist, Sherry Flake. Okay, before we get into the thick of it, we’re going to take a teensy tiny break. Be right back.

[01:42] In the space that you have decided to meditate in today. Find a comfortable sitting position. Allow your head and neck and shoulders to settle in, and your hips and belly and legs and feet, your arms and elbows and wrists and hands to all find a comfortable space. Just knowing that you’re going to be in this space. There’s nowhere else you have to be. There’s nothing else you have to do. Today, you will honor your beautiful self by giving yourself this silent time. So just notice, begin to notice where your breath is as if you’re observing someone else’s breath. Just notice that it comes and goes without changing it or making it a certain way. Just allow your brain to continue to decide whatever rhythm your breath is in right now. Just following it, witnessing it without any pressure to change it or make it a certain way. And now, as your breath comes, I want you to notice that your breath has changed colors. It’s no longer invisible. It’s indigo, a deep blue purple color as it comes into your body, lighting you up with this beautiful color and then leaving and returning to the ether, this lovely color. And even though your eyes are gently closed, imagine this color coming and going, filling up your body with this beautiful color. And when you begin to think about something else or notice thoughts or other disturbances, just gently come back to the breath in this lovely color. And now begin to notice that this color is not coming through your mouth or nose or even into your lungs or belly, but it’s coming in through the space between your eyebrows, between this third eye, this place of knowing. Here comes this indigo, breath in and out, lighting up this space between your eyebrows. Stay with it. Simply breathing in indigo and breathing out indigo through this sacred place of knowing your third eye, this magical, intuitive place, clearing it out with every breath, allowing whatever needs to be revealed. There to be revealed. And knowing that you’re honing this intuitive space simply by hyper focusing on it. And when your attention wavers, you come back to the breath, come back to the indigo, come back to your third eye. And I’ll be back in a few minutes to lead you out. Close, close. Without opening your eyes, allow yourself to come back into the room. You can allow indigo to leave your awareness. You can allow your mind’s eye to move away from your third eye, the space between your eyebrows. And just imagine yourself in the room that you are in without jumping up and moving on. Remember the walls in the room you’re in, the floor, the ceiling, the colors. Remember what’s inside the room. Feel what it feels like to be sitting up in this space. Allow yourself to feel what it feels like for your body to take up space conscious of your breath once again. You may notice that it’s completely different than when you started. Or perhaps it’s just the same. In this space of peace and calm, in this place of knowing and strengthening, of this intuitive, all knowing, beautiful, metaphysical part of you having it all lit up and heightened, begin to ask yourself this sacred question what do I truly want? What is my heart’s desire? And rather than scramble for an answer, just sit in the quiet and see if anything bubbles up at all. What do I truly want in my life? What is my heart’s desire? It allow this pondering moment to fall away from your awareness and allow this sacred question to come into your awareness. Who am I? Who am I? Sit with the question. And in allowing this question to fall away from your awareness, begin to ask yourself, what is my purpose? What is my life’s purpose? What brings me purposeful? Joy? Allow all these questions to move away from your awareness. Just sit in a moment in this beautiful, luxurious, peaceful space that you have created simply by deciding to show up. Take a long, slow, deep breath in your nose. Let it all go out of your mouth. And again, take a long, slow, deep, cleansing breath in your nose, letting it all go out of your mouth. And one last big breath in your nose. Awakening, cleansing, clearing, knowing that you’re different from when you started. And then let it all go out of your mouth. And when you’re ready, you can open your beautiful eyes. I really hope that this meditation was third eye opening for you. I’ll see you next week. Om peace amen you. Before I go, I want to tell you about another ethereal network of shows.

[19:42] Podcast that I think you’re gonna love.

[19:46] Welcome to the podcast World Awakenings, the fast track to enlightenment YouTube channel. World Awakenings is the channel that seeks the knowledge and answers to all things spiritual, metaphysical and enlightening. And we do that by having some of the world’s greatest teachers authors and experts as our guests. If you’re seeking a better, healthier, happier, more loving, joyful and abundance filled life, then you’ve come to the right place. The world awakenings the Fast track to Enlightenment podcast with me, your host, Carl Gruber. If you want to know more about the Law of Attraction, a Course in miracles, metaphysics, trance, channels, energy and chakra, healing, and more, you’ll find it right here on the World Awakenings channel. This is the podcast world awakenings the fast track to enlightenment. Welcome to the show.

[20:45] How y’all feeling after that stress therapy session? Good. Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, the Stress Therapist, on social media, at The Stress Therapist on Instagram, and at Stresstherapy on Twitter. You can always go to to find out about meditation and yoga retreats and other offerings that I have there. If you live in Georgia and you’re ready to be one of my clients, go to my website to find out how you can sign up for a free face to face consultation with me at the very release. Jump on my mailers so you don’t stress or miss one thing. Until next time, have a lovely, lovely day.

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