Learn Exactly HOW to Meditate…You can DO It!

Published On: March 19th, 2024

If you want to know exactly what to do on the cushion when you go to meditate, than this one is for you! Even if you’ve been meditating like a boss forever, a zen mind, beginner’s mind look at your meditation practice can bring a nice refreshing look at the practice. Meditation is basically performing three jobs for the duration of the sit. Let’s learn our new jobs and get comfy on our cushion starting today!

In this episode we will learn: 

~ what three jobs every meditator needs to remember for a meditation session
~  what exactly to do when you go to meditate.
~ A meditation experience using breath meditation as an example to practice our three new meditation jobs with the musical stylings courtesy of The Sonic Yogi

Meditation Music by Sonic Yogi

Deep Sleep With Singing Bowls
Pythagorean Dream

Listen to Sonic Yogi on:  Spotify  Apple Music Amazon Music Watch Sonic Yogi’s Ted Talk

Interesting Mentions:
Swami Jaya Devi’s (thoughts on anger) at Kashi Ashram in Atlanta
Heartwood Retreat Center : location for Cheri’s Georgia Mountain Retreats
Jekyll Island: Location for Cheri’s seaside retreat

The Host for this podcast: Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW The Stress Therapist and Author

Join Cheri Flake on her Next Meditation And Yoga Retreat!
In the mountains or  At the beach
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Twitter: @stresstherapy
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Join Cheri Flake on her next retreat!

Register for a meditation and yoga retreat in the gorgeous Georgia Mountains and walk away with a new, solid daily meditation practice with benefits that last a lifetime!
Register for sweet, peaceful meditation and yoga beach retreat on Jekyll Island seaside right off the coast of Georgia.
Want Cheri Flake to be your therapist? If you live in Georgia go here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation
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Buy Cheri’s book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging!

A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW: Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media or go to www.iLoveTherapy.com to find out about meditation classes & meditation and yoga retreats.


[00:00] Hey, beautiful people. We all know that meditation is about as good for you as water. There is really nothing better for you. But you don’t get those sweet benefits unless you’re doing it. And so today we’re going to keep it short and sweet, just like me. I’m going to give you three jobs. That’s all you got to do while you’re meditating. And you will be doing it. Yes. So relax and settle in and listen up because your stress therapy session is about to begin right now. Now.

[00:41] Hey, beautiful people, it’s time for some stress therapy.

[00:44] A podcast about how to meditate and.

[00:46] Get better at stress for people living.

[00:48] In the real world. Finally, a place to park my 25.

[00:51] Plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now, your host, me, the stress therapist, sherry flake. Okay, before we get into the thick of it, we’re going to take a teensy, tiny break.

[01:15] Be right back. Hey, beautiful people. How’s it going today? I really want meditation to come down to the simplest instruction. And Kelly McGonagall out of Stanford University has nailed this. So I’m totally ripping this off from her and spreading it far and wide because it is brilliant. Now, I might put a little sherry isms on it because you know how I am, but I really want you to get this. It’s super simple. So when people say, I don’t know what to do, when I finally sit down to meditate or I’m not sure or I have to do a guided one, I need someone to guide me. You don’t. Here’s why. You know, well, let’s talk about guided meditation just for a second. I’m a big fan. I’m a huge fan. I think it’s great. But just like when you go skiing, you might want someone to teach you how to ski and then maybe even have somebody take you down that mountain the first time because it’s really scary and there’s a lot of at stake and you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re brand new and you’re a beginner, whatever. After a while, you’re going to want to go down that mountain by yourself. You are not going to want to lug some rando with you down that mountain every time. You can do it yourself, but you will want to know what it felt like when you were doing it with that guide, tips and tricks along the way to stay focused, make sure that you’re safe and sound, and make sure you get to the bottom and also to make sure that you have some enjoyment and get the benefit of skiing. Right. So I think guided meditation has its place. Absolutely. But there comes a time when you need to just formally sit by yourself. Now, usually people will say to me after I tell them I don’t want them to do guided meditation just for even one sit, they’ll say, can I listen to music? And I’m also a huge sound therapy fan, the sonic yogi. I’m using all his music on this podcast. I have nothing but beautiful things to say about him. He’s massively talented. A sound bath is a life changer. I would highly recommend that you sign up for one at your local yoga studio or Kirtan or wherever that is. I’m a big, big, big fan. However, part of yoga, one of the limbs of yoga, is quieting the senses. And I don’t want you to just sit there and listen to music, okay? I love music. And did you know that meditators enjoy music more? What? I know. Isn’t that amazing? I love that little. That’s one of my favorite benefits when I go to the high schools and teach meditation. But I don’t want you to sit there and listen to music that’s on your own time. That’s another time that’s really close to, you know, my meditation is running. I mean, that’s like saying running is my walking. It’s two separate things, okay? Meditation is not running, okay? This is a formal, quiet sit. And the more you can come inward and not listen to something or see something or taste something or feel something or whatever, the more that you can come inward, the more benefit and the better experience you’re going to have long term. Okay? You want that intrinsic value, an intrinsic benefit from meditation, so you continue to do it. Okay? We know that if you have an intrinsic reward for something that you like, find the benefits from it or just the act of doing it feels good rather than the treat you’re going to give yourself afterwards or whatever, you’re going to be more likely to do it and make it habitual. So I want you to kind of think about that. That’s why I tell people to always wear eye covers. You know, if you want, you could even wear earplugs. You know, you’ll get used to the I’m underwater Darth Vader breath. And you’ll be able to just come completely inward, and that’s the goal. And music can lure us outward quite a bit. So I just want you to see if you can just try this very quiet way. Okay? So last week we talked about breath. So I’m gonna use that as an example in this instruction. And you’re gonna have three jobs ready. Your first job is to sit up straight without moving at all, okay? Which I know can be tough for some people without moving at all, just for a short sit, like, say, three or five minutes. If you’re just starting out, that’s fine. And if you absolutely need to move, you know, fine. Then you mindfully put all of your attention into that movement, and then you readjust yourself, but see if you can find a comfortable space. Move your body around a little bit. Your first job is to sit up straight with your eyes closed without moving at all, okay? That’s your first job. Sit up straight, no movement. Second job, focus on your breath. Now, last week, you might want to touch on that. I gave you, I don’t know, four or five different ways to focus on your breath because that can be vague sometimes for people and if they’re already anxious going into it. You know, maybe you don’t do this when you’re anxious, right. You got to do this when your breath is neutral, okay? Not when you’re super mad at someone. People don’t get mad or get in a big ******* or get super hot and fuming or like the swami the other day said, don’t have a flare up of anger. I like that. Flare up, just a flare up. And then go try to sit right. You want your breath to be neutral. So your second job is to just focus on the breath. And we know now that your brain is going to find that incredibly boring after, I don’t know, two or 3 seconds. I mean, it’s going to be boring. So your brain is going to want to think about the future, you know, what’s for dinner, what’s happening later, what time is it? Or whatever, or the past, you know, that happened or whatever. And we’ve talked about different hindrances and how your ego can try to pull you out. In this instance, that’s irrelevant. You just notice it, label it if you want, because that can certainly help. That’s a planning thought, it’s a future thought, it’s a worry thought, whatever, and bring it back to the breath. That’s your third job. Okay? So your first job is to remain completely still with your eyes closed, sitting up. Your second job is to follow your breath, watch it, witness it as if someone else is breathing. Because really seriously, someone else is breathing for you. I mean, you’re kind of just being breathed, right? Like you’re not really monitoring it. It’s not like if you forget about your breath, you won’t do it, because we can do it when we’re sleeping, we can do it when we’re mad, we can do it when we’re running. We can do it all the time. We just. It’s just handled, right? So you focus on that breath that’s already there. And when you space out, you bring all of your attention back to the breath. That is the work. Number three is the actual work where you’re changing the physiological components of your brain. That prefrontal cortex threads are getting thicker, and you are much more likely to be chill and soothe. The downstairs part of your brain that has emotions and upset is all riled up all the time, right? So, one, remain completely still with your eyes closed. Two, you focus on your breath. And three, when you space out, you come right back to the breath. So we’re going to take a quick break, and you’re going to do that. Exactly. And I’m not even going to lead you in and out. We’re just going to. Ready, set, go right after the break.

[08:28] Okay. Find your space. Find your breath. Quickest recap ever. One, remain completely still with your eyes closed, sitting up. Two, focus on your breath. Three, when your attention falters, you just keep coming back to the breath. Keep coming back to the breath time and time again. That’s the work. That’s not doing it wrong. That’s doing it right.

[08:58] That’s perfect.

[09:00] You got this. And I’ll be back to guide you out, okay? Sit in this beautiful space. Just feel what it feels like to luxuriate in this peacefulness that you have created simply by focusing, simply by breathing. That’s it. Take a long, slow, deep breath in your nose. Let it all go out of your mouth. And again, take another long, slow, deep breath in your nose, letting it all go out of your mouth. And one last big breath. Awaken your beautiful self. Let it all go. And when you’re ready, you can open your beautiful eyes.

[16:21] Okay, you know exactly how to meditate. Now, this is the easy, simple instruction.

[16:28] Anyone can do it.

[16:30] Your best bet would be to teach someone how to do it. You can do this. All right, hang in there. I love you. Have a lovely, lovely day.

[16:39] How y’all feeling after that stress therapy session? Good. Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, the stress therapist on social media, hestress therapist on Instagram, and stresstherapy on Twitter. You can always go to ilovetherapy.com to find out about meditation and yoga retreats and other offerings that I have there.

[16:59] If you live in Georgia and you’re ready to be one of my clients.

[17:02] Go to my website to find out.

[17:03] How you can sign up for a.

[17:05] Free face to face consultation with me.

[17:08] At the very least, jump on my.

[17:09] Mailer so you don’t stress or miss one thing.

[17:13] Until next time, have a lovely, lovely day.

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