Let’s go back to “Before.” 

Before the pandemic, before masks, before vaccine debates and before all of it. 

Remember when we were bogged down and over-scheduled and stressed out and among all of this busy, busy, busy was the idea that if we could just get a break, just some time somewhere in our schedules, we could get so much done, we could be so much more and just feel like a million bucks?!?!

Stay here and remember how we all thought about the the petty to-do list finally being done! We would really delve into the big stuff too…all the grand potential we have would be realized…finally!!!

When the sh*t hit the fan in March 2020 and our whole world shut down, I found myself about as high in demand as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. But all the while, there was this little nag…this tug on me that was thinking, hmm…this should be interesting. Let’s see how this  actually does go down…

We were about to be faced with exactly what essentially all of us have been begging the universe for since we became adults!


So, climb back in the time machine and come to the present. I know, I know, it’s hard to be here but just for a second, assess how that went…is everything…done? Have you tried that new thing? Have you finished (or started!) that project? Have you made that idea a new reality? Is everything as amazing as your past self promised??

I read a study once that concluded that we rate our future selves as very favorable. That is, when we see ourselves in the future, we are more generous with charities, we are more likable, more wealthy, more fit and more kind. Basically, it’s true: the future is so bright we really do need to wear shades! We have more and give more and we are better at everything!

I can’t lie. I love this optimism that we all see our future as bright, but I hate the thought that the best is always later, never now.

There is evidence of this everywhere…I’ve even seen home decor signs and hallmark cards that coddle the comforting notion that, “The best is yet to come.” 

Truly, I can’t stand this sentiment. Why is everything wonderful in some elusive future that we can never get to??  

Why do we have to wait to feel good? To be successful? To be kinder or more generous or whatever. 

We don’t. 

It's All in Your HeadTruth is: There is no future or past. It’s all in your head. 

Like it or not, avoid it or not, miss it or not…everything happened, happens and will happen…right…Now. 

“Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now.”

― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Most of us just need to learn how to be in the Now. Spend some time there…re-learning how exactly to live in the very moment we are in…facing our Self. 

And, if we spend enough time there, we learn to be friends with our Self. And, the next thing we know, little by little…we really are better.

I used to be cranky, angry, impulsive, worried and sick all of the time. 

Now I am all of those things on occasion, but a cool element of happiness, joy, peace magic and undeniable love is here, inside of me, among those things as well. 

Meditation got me here. 

I want to teach it to you. 

You may not “have the time” to learn it now, but if not now, when exactly? 

“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” 

― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Meditation is my happy hourWhat’s precious is Now. And I don’t want you to wait to have this…Meditation that has changed me profoundly. My clients, all of them, rave about meditation and how much better they are Now for it…they are better, Now. 

Meditation is so life changing that I see it as an ethical obligation to teach this sacred practice to as many people on this earth as possible. 

Join me, this October for a meditation retreat where we will immerse ourselves into not only learning exactly how to meditate but how to make it a habit that lasts a lifetime. Right Now. 

Go here Now to learn more and register for this retreat!