Stress is not a tangible thing that we deal with…if I told you to gather up all your stress and throw it in my trunk, you couldn’t do it (but wouldn’t that be so nice!?). Instead, we are often creating stress with our thoughts. So, yeah, it’s kinda all in your head. 😉

Strangely, the thing that helps the most with feeling overwhelmed and all stressed out is really counterintuitive but also super simple. This is why when I tell my clients to just try this little one minute idea, they often don’t even try it!

But like my bass player used to say, it doesn’t need to be complicated in order to work…his argument? The Beatles’ songs are easy to play, were recorded on four tracks, and are absolutely brilliant. 


So, when you are in your head and overwhelmed and over it and stressed out, 

here’s your super simple tip…

When we are really experiencing stress, we are often tempted to talk to ourselves to calm ourselves down. But if you think about it, this almost never works!

I mean, “calm down, Cheri. There is nothing to worry about! Calm down, knock it off, just relax!” I don’t know about you but this does not work for me, if anything, it stresses me out more! 

So when your thoughts are creating stress, talking yourself down is not likely going to work. Mostly because the part of your brain that is stressing, doesn’t understand English. If it did, “calm down and just relax” would likely work. So, you have to talk to this part of your brain in a language it understands. 

It’s a bit like talking to a little baby. You don’t just walk up to the crib and say, “Hey, what’s up with all this crying? I come every time you make a noise so what’s the deal? You’re ok, baby, stop crying…Just stop, there is nothing to be upset about!” 

Like your brain, the baby doesn’t understand a word. 

Instead, you speak “Baby” to get your point across. So, you pick up the baby and swing the baby while you use your sing-song up and down baby talk voice and the baby understands that she is safe and sound and all is well and calms down.

So, the next time you’re stressed out, you need to speak the language of the part of the brain that is stressing (Hint, it’s not English).

Your brain speaks, “Body.” This means that you need to get out of your head and simply come into your body. 

Do this right now!!!!

Find a comfortable sitting position or feel free to lay down (Depending on how stressed out you are it may be difficult at first to lay down). Close your eyes.

Take a breath or two, and settle in.

Pick a part of your body that is not currently showing signs of physical stress. Like your left big toe or the palm of your right hand, and put all of your attention and focus there. 

Feel what it feels like for the spot that you’ve picked to exist in space. Let’s say it’s the inside of your right knee…is there something up against it? Is it cold? Is it warm? Is it being supported by a chair? Is it bent? Is it straight? Just bring all of your attention there and then switch after about 20 or 30 seconds to a part of your body on the opposite side of your body. 

Let’s say the top of your left shoulder…Can you feel any clothing or air touching your shoulder there? Does it feel relaxed? Does it feel tight? You don’t have to change anything at all, you are just noticing it as you bring all of your attention to this area and the surrounding area of this part of your body. 

And with laser focus, you keep all of your attention there, and then, just after a minute or two you pop open your eyes! 

You will not believe the amazing nervous system reset that you’re giving yourself by just coming out of your head for a minute or so!

If you know me, you know I have 1 million little tricks and tips just like this one. The very best way to get a big earful from me is to come on retreat with me!