These days a lot of talk is rolling around about being “present” and “mindful,” what does it all mean anyway??

I really like the way Eckert Tolle suggests finding your present moment. He says to just ask yourself, “Am I still breathing?”

See, it’s impossible to be totally focused on your breath and doing something else. Even if it only lasts for a few seconds, I beg you: give it a quick try.



It’s a HUGE stress reducer to simply focus on the very moment your experiencing…not later when make dinner, not tomorrow when you have a big meeting and certainly not yesterday when you wish you hadn’t said something stupid. Just now…

It’s strange, I think…we spend so much time working for, thinking about and preparing for events in the future and we never even really get there…I mean, once the event arises, we still insist on focusing on what’s coming next. Do we ever really enjoy what we continuously work so hard for every day?

Can we ever just be right here, right now???

Yes. This is a start.

Be stress free right now…not tomorrow or the next day or when you have time (that’s a biggie!)…right now, take a moment…just a second or two…ask yourself, “am I still breathing?
