
When I begin to notice that I am assigning the same homework a few times in a week, I tend to think that the presenting problem that prompts the assignment in the first place may be “going around.”

So, what’s in your drinking water? A recent bout of dramatic negative thinking? Yuck!

I thought I might share a popular homework assignment with you today.

The next time you’re feeling rotten or negative, complaining a lot or just downright angry, try this:

Pretend for the next 24 hours that everything that you think will absolutely come true…and I’m talking soon, like sometime between immediately and within the next day.

Here’s how it goes…you’re driving down the road and someone cuts you off…you immediately think and visualize a fender bender…YIKES! You don’t want that to come true! Do you???

So, go ahead and really imagine the sound of brakes in your head…a high pitched aaeeeeeeerrrrt! (that’s my phonetic car brakes sound, you like?) and change the thought and visualize exactly what you would like to be true….

How about, “a safe, pleasant ride home.” Much better!

Do this for an entire 24 hours.


Here’s why…first, you will learn a bit about what exactly you are thinking…how negative you are thinking and about what in your life exactly. This is very useful in examining the relationship between negative thoughts and negative feelings. This is simple, if you are thinking yucky thoughts you will have yucky feelings. Sweet news! The reverse is true: postive thoughts yield positive feelings. Good to know if you want to make a change, you know?

You will also begin to get very careful about what you’re thinking. This is important for a ton of reasons. Here’s a biggie: If you’re a Law of Attraction fan (and I recommend joining this fan club!), you will begin attracting what you want, because that’s all you’ll be thinking about!

Also, you will, in general, by definition, begin to feel better all the way around when you are thinking pleasant thoughts. This, my friends, is the name of the game!

Give it a try…let me know what happens…

