
I am a big proponent of giving up the “S” word. It never makes you feel good to think about what you should be doing…you just feel bad and guilty instead. So, I tell my clients to replace them all with “I’m working on..”, “it would be nice if…”, or “I want to start…” This will leave you feeling hopeful, motivated and feeling good instead of obligated, wistful and defeated.

Remember, most of the things that we want to be doing are things that we have been telling ourselves that we should be doing. If not, then we’re getting into the gray areas of “have tos.” These can also leaving you feeling bad, as well. Here is a way to get things clearer in your head and moving onto more productive, good feelings.

For me, a “have to” is doing my taxes. Let me clarify, I don’t even have to “do” them actually, but just prepare them for my accountant. It’s a pain for me because I own two business and I am just not a left brained person.

“Should” I do my taxes? Yes.
Do I “want” to do my taxes? No.
But, don’t I “have to?” Yes?

I want a successful business so, yes, I do want to do all that I can to do to be successful and that includes getting my taxes done. So, in this case, I do actually want to do my taxes.

I will go to jail (or get a huge fine!) if I don’t do my taxes, so I guess I have to…but didn’t I just learn that I actually want to do my taxes? Why not just replace my shoulds and have toss with wants?

Why not, it’s true, isn’t it???

Think about whether the things that you are “shoulding” about are things that you actually want…may make a difference in the procrastination department.
