Hello, my loves…

I would like to give you some homework today…

You know when you are talking with someone and they just insist on focusing on the negative? Perhaps, you are able to really see the positive in their situation, but every time you point it out your companion comes back with a resounding, “Yeah, but…”

Is it possible that sometimes YOU are the “Yeah, but-er”???

Instead of meeting some one’s optimistic point of view with a dismissing “Yeah, but…” how about trying to relish in the positive, just for a moment, before moving on??

I know it can be annoying, because many times you are simply trying to explain a situation or have someone see your side of things. But if, in fact, you are explaining an obstacle or bummer in your life, isn’t it even more important to pause just for a second to see any sort of positive spin on your situation?

It will help with keeping your mole hills from becoming mountains, overreacting and encourage good decision making, staying calm and avoiding “catastrophizing” (I’ll get into that a bit next time, k?).

I’m just simply suggesting you pause for a moment and acknowledge your listener’s attempts at getting you to see some positive in your situation. Just a moment

You can do it.

You are a natural, I know it…
