Hello, lovely, lovely Reader!

Here is the continuation of the Motivation series I have for you:

The Mothers of Motivation: How to Create Motivation

MOM#2: Adopt the Little by Little Mentality

You learned in the last blog that motivation comes after action, not before, so, it is important that you are working on your desired behavior a little here and there to keep you motivated.  However, know that doing too much at once will burn you out. You will cease the desired behavior and your motivation will be crushed.  

This experience is why we often recall failed attempts at change with bafflement:  “I was going to the gym all the time, and then I just stopped!” 

We have to introduce change into our lives little by little if we want it to have any staying power.  

This is how the Little by Little Mentality works.  Your brain is not as quick to dismiss something if it’s considered easy or small, even if it is something unpleasant.  Let’s say for example, you want to keep a baby book (a trying task, I know…)  If you wait until the end of the year and take hours and hours to gather up all that cuteness and milestone facts, you’ll become overwhelmed and may miss out on the momento altogether.  Whereas, an hour a week (which may actually be fun!), is sure to deliver. 

In short, to stay motivated you’ll have to use some control by keeping your action frequent, but not too cumbersome.  This is a balance that, once you practice it a bit, will become easy.  Soon, the Little by Little Mentality will guide you right to where you want to be –With a brag book you can proud of, rather than another thing on your “someday maybe” list or worse, your I “should’ve done but never will” list.

Next time, the third and final MOM to keep you motivated and getting you what you want without stress, procrastination or excuses!

So, when you decide to try a new, healthy habit out, don’t kill it; just keep on doing a little something to keep the motivation coming until your new, desired behavior is in your life with regularity and perceived by your brain to be something that you normally do.  Then you won’t have to work at it so hard anymore.  Your brain will take over and whether you like it or not, habit will set in.  

This makes life so much more fun, I promise! 


P.S. The big milestone at our house is my daughter, Violet is potty trained! Is it in her ongoing baby book, yet? Not just yet, but will be the next time I do a regular update…