Memories-The Good, The Bad, and Unicorn Toots

Two weeks ago, living up to his expectations as an active and adventurous little 8 year-old boy, my son tried some acrobatics on our second-floor banister, lost his balance and landed right on his head on our wooden first floor below. Let me say right off the bat, he’s okay!!! But, holy smokes! That [...]

By |2018-04-23T02:10:34+00:00April 23rd, 2018|fear, healthy habits, journey into healing, long-term change, negative thoughts, peace, stress, stress therapy, Uncategorized, worry|Comments Off on Memories-The Good, The Bad, and Unicorn Toots

4 Tips to Help Your Kids Create a Healthy Body Image & Relationship With Food

Recently, I have had quite a few people inquire about how to talk to their children with weight loss or food without passing on negative body image messages.  People seem to be aware of the fact that this subject is a sensitive one (thank goodness) and are wanting sane and balanced ways to help their [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:47+00:00May 13th, 2014|atlanta, behavior, body image, cheri flake, eating, exercise, habit, healthy habits, mindful eating, mindfulness, mom, moms, stress, therapist, therapy, Uncategorized, weight loss|Comments Off on 4 Tips to Help Your Kids Create a Healthy Body Image & Relationship With Food

Take Your Time and Change for Good.

Hello!It seems like when we want change in our lives, we want it to be BIG.  We want it to change our lives for the better and we want it right NOW. Here is the thing about change; it doesn't need to be this monumental event in order to work.  In fact, the exact oppostite is [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:48+00:00February 4th, 2013|change, healthy habits, long-term change, stress therapy, stress tips, therapy|Comments Off on Take Your Time and Change for Good.

Avoid the New Year’s Resolutionist’s Mistake!

Hello, my lovely New Year's Resolutionists! It's that time of year...You may be thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions for 2013.If you know me, you know I'm not the biggest fan of New Year's Resolutions…well, at least, how they traditionally work…Why, you ask? Three reasons! 1. Resolutions Start at the Goal New Year's Resolutions often have you starting at [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:48+00:00November 27th, 2012|beliefs, brain, healthy habits, how to stay motivated, new year's resolutions, planning|Comments Off on Avoid the New Year’s Resolutionist’s Mistake!

Mindful Eating

New Year's Resolutions, Lent, whatever your promises are to yourself this year, I can almost guarantee that one or two are fitness related. The next time you have a meal, try Mindful Eating. First, prepare it alone, with little distraction. No TV, no phone, no radio. No noise. Silently prepare it and think about everything [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:49+00:00February 29th, 2012|eating, fitness, healthy habits, lent, losing weight, mindful eating, mindfulness, new year's resolutions, weight loss|Comments Off on Mindful Eating

Hello!Blowing off an hour run is always easy when we've all got so much to do these days! The truth is, you will have more luck sticking to your habits if you try doing things on a smaller scale, rather than not at all. Whining away running around the block a few times for a [...]

By |2010-04-30T20:53:00+00:00April 30th, 2010|habit, healthy habits, procrastination, running, stress reducer, stress tips|Comments Off on

Don’t just get motivated…stay motivated!

We seem to always find it in us to get motivated, but how do we stay motivated? One piece of information that is often unknown, but imperative to your success in either getting something done or even creating a new, healthy habit, is this: Motivation comes after action, not before. If you swear that this [...]

By |2010-04-28T00:50:00+00:00April 28th, 2010|action, healthy habits, how to stay motivated, inspiration, motivation|Comments Off on Don’t just get motivated…stay motivated!

Know the Difference Between Your Mind and Your Brain!

Hello! Is you brain holding you back from making the awesome changes in your life? Could be...Your brain has this physiological survival technique that may be hindering you from keeping up with your healthy habits. Your brain likes to regulate everything in your body so it hums and works perfectly. Unfortunately, this often includes manipulating [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:50+00:00February 2nd, 2010|brain, getting things done, healthy habits, meditation, mind, procrastination, productive|Comments Off on Know the Difference Between Your Mind and Your Brain!

New Year’s Resolutions…How’s it goin’???

It's a New Year, baby!If you know me at all, you know that this is my very favorite subject...I just feel like all I do is talk about, write about and harp on the New Year's Resolutionist's Mistake...Rather than go on and on again, I'm going to give you the short version, the links to [...]

By |2017-02-12T16:09:52+00:00January 12th, 2009|atlanta, find a therapist, getting things done, goal setting, goals, healthy habits, new year's resolutions, procrastination, therapist, therapy|Comments Off on New Year’s Resolutions…How’s it goin’???
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